Scrap The Sweet Talk Blog

  • Top 5 Tips to Guarantee Success with Business

    Last week I had the opportunity to speak to a group of incredibly inspiring entrepreneurs in the Waterloo area at a local networking eve...
  • How To Throw The Ultimate Pizza Party

    A few weeks ago, I posted a video on Instagram about a pizza party I hosted at my house with a few close friends. It was an evening to cele...
  • Why Cash Is Not King And Trading Is In!

    Recently, I’ve been challenging the very culture I grew up in and wondering why it is the way it is…  Why are we so obsessed with grinding? ...
  • These Women Are Not Criminals

    These are not mugshots of women who have committed a crime; however, it would have been criminal if limiting beliefs, negative self tal...
  • Enneagram. Why You Need To Know Yours

    The enneagram is basically the ultimate personality test. It’s the key to truly understanding yourself and the people around you.  So, why is ...
  • Body Positivity Was Keeping Me Fat + Unhealthy

    I recently posted about my weight loss journey with my before & after photo and I got so many comments, questions and DM's about it t...
  • Why Is It So Hard To Make Friends As An Adult? My Tips On How To Do It!

      Why Is It So Hard To Make Friends As An Adult? My Tips On How To Do It! This is something I hear from 99.9% of adults. Specifically fem...
  • 34 Things I've Learned In 34 Years...

    Hooray It’s My Birthday!  Today I’m 34 years old & I can’t help but feel significant gratitude for all the incredible people I’ve met ...
  • Being An Introvert. In An Extroverted World.

    I’m often met with shock & disbelief when I tell people that I’m an introvert… “I find that hard to believe…” “But you speak so conf...
  • Forget The Resolutions, What’s Your One Word For This Year?

    Forget The Resolutions, What’s Your One Word For This Year? For the last three years instead of focusing solely on New Year's resolutions...
  • How To Be Authentic

    One of my favourite sayings is: “What makes you different is what makes you beautiful”. I love it and people who are most authentic are the ha...
  • My Word For This Year: Impact.

    Eeek, you guys- I'm so excited that my book has officially launched! It's been such a journey to write & publish my first book not to ment...