The Rumors Are True: I'm Writing A Book

So, it's no secret- I love writing! I've looked forward to writing my blog every single week & it's been such a fun project for me. It's not just the art & creativity of writing that I'm obsessed with, it's the connection it brings me to my readers. I started my blog as a creative outlet for me to share my life & business tips with you, but it's turned into so much more than that! 


It's connected me to people in a way that I've never experienced before... Being an introvert by nature, in the past, interacting with people would often drain me. I now realize that engaging with 'my kind of people' actually brings me energy, happiness & fills my soul with so much light & love. 


Who are 'my kind of people'? People who cheer each other on, people who are positive & uplifting, have goals & aren't afraid to go for them, are grateful and open & honest... The kinds of people I choose to surround myself with have nothing to do with their social status, income or any superficial 'status'... It has to do with their soul, positive attitude & overall passion for life! These kinds of people are such a blessing to be among & it's provided me with a whole new perspective on friendship & how being around people who fill your soul is truly a gift. Even as a natural introvert, being around these types of people actually gives me energy instead of draining my energy- something I never thought I'd ever say!


I've received a substantial amount of emails & DM's saying how much they've enjoyed reading my blogs weekly and how helpful they've found my advice. I've made so many new friends & connections from readers & if my blog is able to provide that much value to people then I feel like writing a book is naturally the next step!


Does that mean I technically know how to write & publish a book? Absolutely not! What I will do though, is figure it out. Just like I've always done. I didn't know how to start a bakery (or even a business for that matter)... I didn't go to school for it! In fact, I dropped out of high school at 16... And yet, look where we are today: 3 store locations, an intentionally crafted life, and a very successful business later... All because I figured it out & didn't let the act of not knowing hold me back from taking action! 


If I could teach you one thing it would be that everything in life is figure-out-able. You just need the ambition & grit to actually do it. Action out performs knowledge every single time. 


So... The big question, what will my book be about?


It'll be my no-filter, full-disclosure story of where I came from, the story of how I started my business, the struggles I faced along the way (there were several) & full of tangible helpful tools that you'll be able to implement in your own life and/or business to take it to the next level of greatness. I'll tell you how an uneducated girl with a troubled past pushed through her fears and chased her dreams (hint: me). I took a side-hustle hobby & built a profitable business out of something I truly loved. I'll be laying it all out there & I won't be holding anything back! You'll get to know me on a very personal level that no one else has. 


I guarantee it'll be an entertaining read because as I'm writing it, I can't even believe I've gotten to where I am given the challenges I've faced. It's similar stories like mine, where people who should have never made it, actually make it. These are the types of stories that have inspired me along my own journey & I cannot wait to connect with my followers, customers & readers on a whole new level! 


If there's anything this past year has taught me, it's that life is so much better when surrounded by truly inspiring people. What a year to learn that lesson- the year of 'social distancing'! I can't help but laugh at the irony of it all. Having people to share the highs, lows & all that life is, makes it worthwhile. I've kept to myself for many years, so I know what it feels like to be on the other side and although it might feel 'safer' & 'more comfortable' than putting yourself out there & opening up to people... It's boring as all hell. It's uninspiring & it's not the way life's meant to be lived. 


As always, feel free to connect with me on social media or send me an e-mail! 


Nothing fills my soul more than hearing other people's stories and connecting with similar like-minded people! 


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